آسیب‌شناسی تاثیر هوش مصنوعی بر دیپلماسی عمومی

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 دکتری مطالعات اروپا دانشگاه تهران، تهران، ایران

2 دانشیار جغرافیای سیاسی دانشگاه خوارزمی، تهران، ایران



هوش مصنوعی به سرعت در تمام جنبه‌های دیپلماسی که تصمیمات سیاست خارجی را اجرا و اهداف ملی و جهانی را دنبال می‌کند در حال استفاده است. چالش‌های امنیتی، دیپلماسی سنتی و دیپلماسی عمومی در ابعاد نوآورانه خود (الکترونیک، مجازی و سایبرنتیک) ذاتاً با فناوری‌های هوش مصنوعی درهم‌آمیخته‌اند. هدف این مقاله آسیب‌شناسی تأثیر هوش مصنوعی بر دیپلماسی عمومی است. سؤال اصلی تحقیق این است که نقاط قوت، ضعف و نیز فرصت‌ها و تهدیدات اجرای گسترده هوش مصنوعی در دیپلماسی عمومی کدامند‌؟‌ این مطالعه با استفاده از روش تحلیل سوآت انجام شده است و روش جمع‌آوری داده‌های آن نیز کتابخانه‌ای است. نتایج مقاله نشان می‌دهد کار با کلان داده و استفاده از قابلیت‌های هوش مصنوعی به دیپلمات‌ها مزیت رقابتی می‌دهد و ساختارهای حاکمیتی را تا حدی از سلسله مراتبی به خطی تبدیل می‌کند. پذیرش هوش مصنوعی می‌تواند دیپلمات‌ها را توانمند کند و اثربخشی ابزارهای دیپلماتیک را در دستیابی به اهداف ملی در زمان صلح و جنگ افزایش دهد. هوش مصنوعی نحوه تعامل و ارتباط دولت‌ها با مردم را در محیط خارجی تغییر می‌دهد. همچنین، هوش مصنوعی می‌تواند دیپلماسی عمومی را با ارائه ابزارهایی برای ایجاد پیام‌های هدفمندتر و راهبردی­تر، تجزیه و تحلیل احساسات عمومی در زمان آنی و شخصی‌سازی استراتژی‌های تعامل در بحبوحه تنوع فرهنگی متحول کند که در نتیجه دامنه و اثربخشی ابتکارات دیپلماسی عمومی را تقویت می‌کند.



عنوان مقاله [English]

Pathology of the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Public Diplomacy

نویسندگان [English]

  • Ali Karami 1
  • Afshin Mottaghi Destanaei 2
1 PhD, Department of Europe studies, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
2 Associate Professor, Department of Political Geography, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran
چکیده [English]

Traditionally, public diplomacy has been centered around collecting and disseminating information. On the one hand, diplomats must collect information about how foreign audiences perceive the actions of a particular government, and on the other hand, they must assess the nature of relations between the two countries and identify opportunities or threats of bilateral cooperation. In this regard, the most important obstacles and problems facing the public diplomacy cycle are:
Chart 1: Obstacles and problems of the public diplomacy cycle
However, throughout history, technological advances have always impacted the field of diplomacy and public diplomacy and often transformed the structure of international relations. Consider the emergence of the telegraph in the nineteenth century, an advancement that transformed diplomatic communications by drastically reducing the time needed to exchange messages between countries. This transition accelerated diplomatic negotiations and created new dynamics in power relations and information management. Similarly, the emergence of the Internet in the late twentieth century further transformed diplomacy and enabled instant global communications and rapid dissemination of information. While the Internet revolutionized how we communicate, work, and access information, artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming how we live, work, and interact with technology. AI is a branch of computer science that aims to develop intelligent machines that can perform tasks typically requiring human intelligence. AI systems use algorithms and deep learning models to learn from large datasets and improve accuracy over time. AI can be divided into two primary types: narrow or weak AI and general or strong AI. Narrow AI is designed to perform specific tasks, while general AI is intended for human-like thinking and reasoning. Like the Internet, AI has the potential to transform society in ways we cannot yet predict. Both technologies have the power to create new industries and change existing ones. As we examine the potential and challenges of integrating AI into diplomacy, it is important to note that technology has continuously acted as a catalyst for change in this field and established a precedent for AI's potential role in shaping the future of international relations.
Research background
Table 1: Literature Review
No       Authors Title
1          Walker AI and the Future of Public Diplomacy
2          Trabelsi Loeb   A Revolution in Diplomacy with AI: Crossing New Frontiers for a Peaceful Tomorrow
3          Nweiran           AI and Public Diplomacy
4          Franke AI Diplomacy
5          Jafarova           AI and Digital Diplomacy
6          Williams and Otto        AI as a Tool of Public Diplomacy: The Relationship between the United States and Iran
7          Konovalova     AI and Diplomacy: Challenges and Opportunities
8          Duberry           AI Diplomacy: A Vision for Future Multilateralism?
(Reference: research findings, 2024)
Accordingly, the present study aimed to analyze and examine the role of AI in public diplomacy. The main research question is: what are the strengths, weaknesses, as well as opportunities and threats of the widespread implementation of AI in public diplomacy?
This study used a SWOT analysis and data was collected through review of theoretical literature and previous research. The SWOT method shown below was used to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of AI in public diplomacy. This study uses the SWOT components as the four main categories of analytical subjects. The themes and patterns in the four main categories are processed mostly through an inductive analysis of the findings. A total of 18 research papers were selected for the final analysis in this study.
The main findings resulting from reviewing and studying 18 research papers listed in the above table have been classified into categories of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in the table below:
Table 2: Findings classified using SWOT
Findings           Beneficial for achieving goals   Harmful for achieving goals
Internal Strengths:

Reinforcing decision making
Crisis management and conflict resolution
Language translation and cultural understanding
Generating acceptable responses
Offering personalized responses
Providing immediate responses
Cost efficiency
Data analysis
Diplomatic services Weaknesses:
Lack of relevant data in countries
Costs of actively collecting data for measurement
Institutional corruption and instability
Lack of deep understanding of quality issues in response evaluation
Risk of bias and discrimination
Lack of higher-order thinking skills
Initial costs
Privacy of data

External           Opportunities:

Digital labor and outsourcing for employment
Transparent and corruption-free governmental processes
Passive data collection
Leadership in public diplomacy domain
Expansion Threats:
Bias in AI algorithms
Security concerns
International cooperation and standardization
Cyber security and information warfare
Skills gap
Oversight challenges
Job loss and labor displacement

AI software can be used to better understand where narratives take root, helping public diplomacy practitioners know where to focus attention and resources to counter misinformation and hostile influence campaigns. AI's data collection capabilities can help diplomats analyze how their country's interests and actions are portrayed in foreign media, and then local information and outreach efforts to improve penetration. AI-based analysis of social media platforms can also assess the impact of content produced through public diplomacy. In addition to external analytical capabilities, AI tools can simplify internal datasets and global events through the analysis of diplomatic documents sent by embassies, media summaries, briefings, and even diplomats' analysis of local information. Ministries of foreign affairs, ambassadors, and diplomats can use AI tools like chatbots, GPT-3, or Anthropic to analyze news coverage about their home country, gaining insights into topics of discussion reflecting the country's changing political, social, and economic outlook, some potential trends observable over the long term, periodic shifts and changes in media priorities influenced by live geo-political dynamics and events. With modern AI technology, voice mimicry is also possible. Diplomatic channels may be monitored by other countries' intelligence agencies and potentially criminal groups that can access specialized technologies like eavesdropping. Often hidden data (photos, videos, audio recordings) and even fabricated news that an ordinary person could in no way verify their authenticity appear in the media. Such manipulations pose a serious threat to social stability and influence public opinion. AI technologies can also be used in political struggles against rival forces. Diplomats' readiness for change and understanding and use of AI technologies is important. This highlights the need for interdisciplinary educational programs combining innovative thinking, big data management, and machine learning to strengthen effective collaboration between diplomats and technical experts.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Artificial intelligence
  • Public diplomacy
  • Artificial intelligence software
  • Decision making